Friday, February 18, 2011

Does Sex Cure Headaches?

Does Sex Cure Headaches?

When you're asleep at night and it's an uneasy rest jolting you out of your sleep. A thundering pound pulsating through the follicle of the top of your skull. The kind of pain that feels like a tractor trailer is running marathons in your bedroom. The one that shakes the earth each time you take a step while walking. In 1988, there was an actual study conducted in Oklahoma by a male scientist to study the act of having sex while experiencing a train wreck in visualization. They say one physiologic process.. the climax.. is turning off another physiologic process. One doctor says yes and another doctor says no. A percentage of women at about 20 percent said that "SEX CURE MY HEADACHE!" The another percent said that "It went away for a little while." and the rest said "IT MADE IT WORSE!"

Well ... with that being said... I guess to each its own .... some people need pills and others need to just assume the position. As one doctor stated "You can't just pull any person at work or on the streets and say :I HAVE A HEADACHE! HAVE SEX WITH ME!"

Hmmm .... well THAT's a bright idea .... there goes the workplace and the brand new copier that replaced last weeks copier in which replaced the copier from the week before that .... That's a lot of money ... don't you think?

AC Reporter Tee Storm
February 17, 2011 4:24pm



  1. i think so cause my blood is flowing heavy in my dyck so any type of release would help...

  2. Apple Scrappers, we know that if you ask three people if sex cures a headache we will get three different answers. Normally tha whe excuse used when a women doesn't want to have sex. Bottom line is if you can have sex and have a headache, your a different apple scrapper, you digg?
